Saturday, October 18, 2014


I'm going to talk about a problem many of you might have. The problem is....drumroll....Squirrels Attacking Your Pumpkins For Halloween. This means the squirrels go crazy over your pumpkins by ripping them to shreds, etc. On our front steps there is a pumpkin. Mom usually like to feed the squirrels with seeds, but they've been going after the pumpkins.

The pumpkin on our porch at first looked quite normal, until you looked closer and you could see the big, gnawed hole in it with pumpkin seeds and guts everywhere. You might think it was from fruit flies. But that's only at first. If you got closer you could see chew marks and many other scroll markings. This is the squirrels' food territory. Fruit flies can't do that much damage. Seriously. Unless they're mutated and have 'problems'.

This means that squirrels like making human life miserable by eating their cool looking jack-o-lanterns. I have no solution to this problem, except for kill the squirrels. Or maybe trap the squirrels. Please don't kill them though. It's not nice to kill squirrels.

Strangely, my mom likes it because she's feeding the squirrels and making them all fat. She thinks they're cute. I think she wants to shoot them and put them in a squirrel pie. Then everybody's happy. Except the squirrels.


  1. I refuse to eat squirrel. Even in the pie format. Ew.

  2. Great post. Squirrels are very suspicious-looking - ever notice how they're always looking around like they hope no one's watching what they're about to do? Why do they act so guilty? Probably because they are guilty of pumpkin destruction!

    1. Louis said "Thank you soooooo much, Angela, for being the first person to comment on my blog who isn't related to me."

  3. Nice post! I am anti-squirrel in every way. However, I do recognize that if you put a fat squash full of seeds on your porch, you've basically put out a squirrel feeder.

  4. Get a plastic pumpkin. Problem solved. Otherwise quit complaining about squirrels trying to feed themselves, they're just doing what you're trying to do: live and prosper.

    1. Louis said: "Good idea! Thanks! I actually might try that. Though we do like watching the squirrels destroy the pumpkins. It's total chaos."

  5. I am still thinking about how scary mutated fruit flies would be.
