Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Least Favorite Days

My least favorite day would either be Sunday or Monday. You may ask “WHY Sunday or Monday. I think they’re fine. I mean, Sunday’s a weekend.” Well, here’s the answer. These two days are extremely horrible because…let’s say it’s a Sunday…Sunday’s the day before Monday, right? Right. So let’s say I’m having a fun time on a Sunday weekend. Then eventually I go to bed. But there’s something different. I can’t stinking sleep in because it’s going to be a stinking Monday and Monday’s are so horrible because you have to start work or school making nobody happy except your boss (AKA your principal).

Sometimes you might find work or school a little fun, but in reality it’s a big thumbs down. Except, actually, the learning part. I agree with the learning part 100%.

I also think these two days are horrible because when you wake up on Monday and you do your normal things and you’re like “Oh no! I have to go to school! Waaaah!!!” Or work. I feel so sorry for you guys who have to leave even earlier to go to work.

The only time Sunday or Monday doesn’t matter is when it’s summer vaycay…unless you work.

My favorite day would be either Friday or Saturday, knowing that you can sleep in, and it’s going to be an awesome Saturday and you can do pretty much whatever you want like stay in your pajamas, play with your toys, annoy your parents (or maybe not), you know, like great stuff like that.

That’s all I have to say for now about my two favorite and least favorite days. I also hope this is a reminder that today when you go to sleep…prepare for The Horrible. Because tomorrow….that’s right…it’s Monday.


LouisCS is the writer of this blog. He loves reading comments...but please keep in mind that's he's nine-almost-ten when commenting. Thanks!


  1. I get to sleep in this Monday!
    And I like frogs.

    1. LouisCS says "You are so lucky! And frogs ARE awesome!"

  2. I totally agree with you about Sundays being dreadful. Like, just now I was thinking and pouting about the fact that in only about 5 hours I'll be going to bed. And then it'll be stinking Monday all over again. Oh well. Friday's right around the corner.

    1. LouisCS says "If I went to work, I'd be just like you, sorta. Sad. Oh. And my mom says hi!"
